Ngawang Dolker

TAFM 2021-2022 Calendar

(TAFM’s Calendar for the remaining of this Term) Sept 2, 2021 6pmSept 4,  2pmTibetan Democracy Day Celebration and YarkyiVirtual FB liveTAFM IsantiOct 9, 1:30-3:30pmFlu Shot Clinic & COVID Vaccine (Social Service)TAFM St. PaulOct 16, Saturday, 2:00PMUS Congressional Gold Medal Program/ConcertTAFM IsantiOct 27, Wednesday, 4pmLhabab Dhuechen (Tsok Offering): Spiritual Committee TAFM IsantiNov 27, Saturday, 3PMTAFM General Body Meeting/Membership Appreciation DinnerTAFM IsantiDec 11, Saturday, …

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2021 TAFM Board Member Nomination Online Ballot Click here to cast your nominations.

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TAFM – Isanti

TAFM is now accepting rental application for TAFM Culture Center – Isanti Hall. Please visit

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