His Holiness Live Webcast for Tibetans in North America

His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives teaching on Eight Verses for Training the Mind & Thirty-seven Practices of a Bodhisattva December 28, 2020  Dharamsala: Invited by the Tibetan Communities of North America to teach ‘Eight Verses for Training the Mind’ & ‘Thirty-seven Practices of a Bodhisattva’ this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived almost fifteen minutes early. Representative Ngodup Tsering introduced the event in Tibetan. He thanked His Holiness on behalf of Tibetans in North America for the opportunity to hear him teach and answer questions. He also drew attention to the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020…

སྤྱི་མཐུན་ཚོགས་པའི་རྒྱུན་ལས་གསར་འདེམས་གསལ་བཤད། 2020 Board members elections.

Board Election is scheduled this month:Nominations are on July 18 & 19 and Final Voting is on July 25 and 26. The oath ceremony is tentatively scheduled on Sept 2, 2020 during Mangtso Duechen, Tibetan Democracy Day. ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE:Voters must be a TAFM member.Membership due must be paid up to current year 2020.2020 membership due can be paid at www.tafm.org. NOMINATIONS: Saturday July 18 and Sunday 19, 2020 at TAFM (St. Paul). Every TAFM member can nominate up to 4 candidates from our community either online or in-person. Online Nomination will be available online at www.tafm.org on July 18 through 19.In-person vote at TAFM office…